We Adopt The Best Cutting Edge Development Process

Software Development Process

Hexad is a software development company that adopts the agile and lean methodology to develop software solutions.

We have a track record of delivering hundreds of successful software solutions across various industries. We offer ongoing maintenance services such as bug fixing, user support, and testing. Our company has an expert team of UI/UX designers, developers, testers, tech leads, project managers, project coordinators, and many non-technical employees. We believe in teamwork and work in stages including planning, design, development, testing, and maintenance.

Key Features of Effective Software Development

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Agile methodology is a flexible project management and software development approach. It allows teams to deliver customer value more efficiently and effectively. It's trendy in the software industry as it enables teams to be adaptable, well-organized, and handle changes.
DevOps is a combination of practices, tools, and a culture that streamlines the processes between software development and IT teams. It prioritizes team autonomy, cross-team communication and collaboration, and the use of technology to automate processes.
Continuous Integration (CI)
Continuous Integration is a procedure that automates the Integration of code changes into a software project. It enables developers to regularly merge code changes into a central repository and run tests and builds.

Continuous Delivery (CD)
Continuous Delivery (CD) builds on CI by automatically deploying code changes to testing or production environments. CD follows a continuous delivery pipeline that coordinates automated builds, tests, and deployments into one seamless release workflow.
Microservices is an approach to building applications that involve dividing them into more minor, independently deployable services. These services are loosely coupled, easily maintained, and can be developed and deployed autonomously. Using a microservices architecture, our development teams can be organized into smaller units, each specializing in different services.

Pictorial View of Our Development Process

We adopt Agile methodology to develop the solutions. But, other processes can also be followed on the client's recommendations.
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Digital Projects
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Software Development Tools

Software development tools support the entire software development process, from facilitating agile and DevOps methodologies to managing code, automating CI/CD, handling incidents, testing, and much more.
Jira Software
Bitbucket is a Git code management platform that allows teams to plan projects, collaborate on code, test, and deploy.
Social Network concept : hand point to social network and world map

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