Hexad | Behind the Titles – Sören Grzanna – Software Engineer

Delve into the remarkable career journeys of Hexad’s professionals who have left an indelible mark on the organisation. Discover their unique career paths, the mastery of skills and strategies that propelled them, and the invaluable lessons they’ve gathered on their path to success.

Hexad Careers: Can you briefly describe your career journey at the organization, from when you first joined to your current role?

Sören: I started my career at the beginning of 2017 as a UI developer. I was quickly given additional responsibilities, as a result of which I also became active in the BI and backend area and managed projects there. This led me to project management and requirements management. I am currently continuing my activities in this area. I have intensive customer contact, understand operational processes and document and explain technical processes to employees.

Hexad Careers: What motivated you to join this organization, and how has your role evolved since then?

Sören: I was looking for a new challenge and a completely different working environment. I found this here, the different cultures of the employees, the different working methods of the employees and the career opportunities convinced me at the time. Since then, I have developed from a UI developer to a software developer to a technical project manager. I also contribute to this by actively participating in tenders.

Hexad Careers: Could you describe your team's structure, including the size and roles of your team members?

Sören: I am currently involved in two projects as a technical project manager / SPOC (Single Point of Contact). In one project we are 2 software developers, a support employee and me as PM. In the other one it is very similar where I share the PM role with another employee, plus a backend developer and a frontend developer.

Hexad Careers: What specific product or services does your team work on or support?

Sören: In collaboration with the first team, we develop the DPP-OnePress application. This cloud application analyzes, processes and stores the data from our customer’s pressing plants at a central point in order to carry out targeted evaluations. At the same time, the data is also prepared for processing and forwarding to other systems.

We are working with the second team on the further development of the LISAweb application. This acts as a test data provision tool. This tool is used to generate test vehicle data that can be called up by other applications in a test environment in order to test the functionality of your own application. For this purpose, we provide interfaces that can be used by other applications in a productive environment.

Hexad Careers: Could you share any notable projects or accomplishments related to the product that you've been involved in?

Sören: To be honest, I can’t really think of anything special at the moment. There were projects that were successfully completed and handed over, but I often didn’t have the opportunity to experience the aftermath. This was either because I was immediately assigned to a new project and didn’t get to see the ongoing operations, or I was asked to start a new one in the middle of a project. Therefore, I cannot name any outstanding achievements or accomplishments. It is also possible that none of these situations were particularly noteworthy for me personally.

Hexad Careers: In what ways has Hexad supported your career progression and how do you like it here ?

Sören: The company has continuously trusted in my potential and given me increasingly important and challenging tasks. Through this trust, the company has helped me to develop both personally and professionally in the direction I feel comfortable in.

Hexad Careers: Based on your experience, what advice or recommendations would you offer to individuals who are interested in pursuing a similar career path within the organization?

Sören: I recommend that anyone who wants to pursue a career in project management should be good at dealing with people. It is important to master de-escalation skills, to be able to deal constructively with harsh criticism and also to be able to disagree in a differentiated manner.