
Stay Secure on the Road: Automotive Cybersecurity Solutions!

What is Automotive Cybersecurity Solutions?

Automotive cybersecurity solutions refer to measures and practices that protect vehicles and their systems from cyber attacks and breaches. The security features can include secure software development, network and communication security, threat detection and response, and incident management. These services can be provided by specialized companies or incorporated into automotive manufacturers’ design and production processes. The goal of automotive cybersecurity services is to secure vehicle systems, networks, and data against unauthorized access, theft, and manipulation while maintaining the safety and functionality of the vehicle.

Automotive Cybersecurity Advisory Solutions

Automotive cybersecurity advisory solutions typically offer a range of solutions and services to help automotive companies protect their vehicles and systems from cyber threats. These services can include:
Threat and vulnerability assessments:
Identifying and evaluating potential vulnerabilities and threats within a company's vehicles and systems.
Compliance and regulatory guidance:
Penetration testing:
Incident response and management:
Security training and awareness:
Secure software development:
Design and architecture review:
Network and communication security:

Automotive IoT Security Connectivity

Automotive IoT security connectivity refers to the security measures and protocols used to protect Internet of Things (IoT) devices and systems that are connected to vehicles. The infrastructure can include secure communication protocols, data encryption, access control, and hardware and software solutions designed specifically for the automotive industry.

In automotive IoT security, connectivity is the communication medium between the vehicle and external devices or systems, such as the cloud, other cars, smartphones, etc.

Hexad works with OEMs and component manufacturers across a myriad of connectivity compliance areas, including:

  • Dual-band Wi-Fi

  • GPS/Global Navigation Satellite System/BeiDou

  • 4G/5G cellular connectivity

  • Remote keyless entry and ignition

  • Onboard diagnostics

  • Light detection and radar

  • Bluetooth

  • Infotainment center

  • Cameras

  • Subscription-based communications

  • Vehicle to everything (V2X)

  • Maintenance of cellular radio system

  • Tire pressure monitoring

Automotive IoT security connectivity aims to verify the safe and secure operation of connected devices and systems within vehicles while protecting the data and information transmitted and received. You can get to know more about our IoT Services.
ACS - Automotive IoT Security Connectivity

Our Strategic Implementation Process of Automotive Cybersecurity

The strategic implementation process of automotive cybersecurity typically involves several key steps:
Assessing the current state of cybersecurity in the organization
Developing a cybersecurity strategy
Implementing security controls
Monitoring and maintaining security
Continuously evaluate and improve
This step involves a continuous review and evaluation of the overall cyber security strategy and making necessary improvements.
It's important to understand that automotive cybersecurity is rapidly evolving, and organizations are prepared to adapt their strategies as new threats and technologies emerge.

WANT TO TRY Automotive Cybersecurity Solutions?

Talk to our cybersecurity experts about Hexad solutions best suited to your automotive strategy.